In the region of Changuinola, especially in its urban center, we can find a variety of services, which offer visitors from accommodation to food, transportation, internet cafes and supermarkets.
"Alhambra", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"Carol", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"Golden Sahara", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"Semiramis", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"La Fortuna", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"El Herrerano", Avenida 17 de Abril.
"Los Paraguitas", inf front of the Airport.
"Lisseth", in front of the Romero Supermarket.
"Pizzería Aladino", besides the Buses to David Terminal.
"Buses Terminal SINCOTAVECOP", buses to San José (Costa Rica), Almirante & other communities.
"Buses to David Terminal", buses to Almirante, Chiriquí Grande, Gualaca & David.
Also, in Changuinola, we can find several gas stations that provide gasoline, diesel, kerosene and bottled drinks, as well as many supermarkets, the largest of them is ROMERO. Here, in Changuinola, is the largest public hospital in the province and several private clinics.